IAmRoyalty Entertainment Group
"I Am ROYALTY!"... When you say those words you better mean them and carry yourselves as the Queens and Kings you are destined to be.
Cortez 'Tezof2Deep' Hampton vision for the entertainment group came along in 2006 yet the affiliation was re-branded in 2016.
I Am Royalty is an entertainment group created by the singer and host of The WkndwithTez Radio Show airing live every Friday beginning at 9p.m. on 100.9 WCHQ FM.
The group is filled with a lot of people who are currently living within various Kentucky and Indiana areas. However, most of the affiliates are present in Louisville, KY.
The talent within the entertainment group ranges from rappers to singers, deejay's, models, photographers, radio personalities and even bloggers one being known as Melody Simone creator of this here site, Melodically In Tune.
There are a lot of networking opportunities that come from being involved in IAmRoyalty entertainment group.
"Collectively our individual achievements range from opening for major artist that come to Louisville KY, creating a weekly open mic series (The Louisville Vibe), introducing another radio show dedicated to playing only local hip hop and R&B (WkndwithTez Radio Show), having live and recorded mix shows on 93.1FM in Louisville KY, and much more."
The collective goal is to take anyone of IAmRoyalty team members career to the next level. While continuing to solidify their brand as a team filled with true professionals and become the catalyst to how things should go for the next generation to come.
Tezof2Deep mentions that for those interested in being apart of IAmRoyalty, "just keep being dope! We are always recruiting."
Meet some of the affiliates by clicking here.
Follow IAmRoyalty on social media.
Facebook: @iamroyaltyent
Instagram: @iamroyaltyent