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Review: Invasion of Privacy, Cardi B.

Here's my thoughts on Cardi B's latest album!

Top faves

1) Bodak Yellow (Forever a classic!)

2) Be Careful

3) Money Bag

4) I Do ft. SZA

5) Ring ft. Kehlani

I do not consider myself as a huge Cardi B. fan but she did her thing on this one. It's an album that I can listen to song by song without any skips.

Other people's reviews and thoughts on the overall album were pretty interesting. Some seem to be a huge fan of the album and others tend to be disappointed and feel as if after waiting nearly half a year from the initial release date back in October, Cardi could have brought to us something "harder."

I believe the album is great for the first one and what we hope to know will not be the last. Cardi gave us a variety of concepts dealing with her life prior to fame, failed relationships, unsensored sex and a latin feel.

She pays homage to some of the greats and have some amazing guest features on her tracks.

We look forward to seeing what more Cardi B. has in store for us musically perhaps will have to wait for a while due to her pregnancy term.

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