People always ask..."I don't see nor know how you do it?!" 😒👀
Me either, I just do it!
Pleeeaaasssee... somebody tell me what in my right mind told me to work on a busy day. 👀
I am fairly use to working two jobs in one day, that's not a problem at all. It wasn't working two jobs in one day that bothered me, it's the amount of work and energy one job in particular required of me.
The Ironman Triathlon took place in downtown Louisville tonight. Ironman is a race that consist of swimming, biking and running. This is a major event that occurs in different places across the country and nationwide. People from everywhere came in town just to participate, there was a total of 2,750 thousand athletes ranging between the ages of 18 and 90 years old.
Beginning at 7:30 in the morning here is their route first up was swimming in the Ohio River...
I was working at job number one during the time participants started their race. Straight from working at the news station I went to church like any other Sunday. Although instead of going straight home, or going to the mall or just hanging out with people I went home to take roughly an hour nap.
A nap that did not suffice to how tire I really am. Off to working at job number two I went... I had to be in at 4:30 PM. I was expecting for us to open at 5 PM but apparently 'we' opened the doors at roughly 3:30 PM due to the high demand of customers. A chilly day for a race whatever better food can one choose from other than hot soup?!
The day before I made a status on my Facebook and I could not ever imagine competing in something so vigorous.

Based on my long day it felt as if I had a triathlon myself. Although it's nothing I really train for, I just do in order to make a living.
Seeing and interacting with those who completed the race brought on a sense of inspiration. No, I am not inspired enough to ever compete in the Ironman race but knowing that so many people enjoy being participants and have spent days perhaps years training for this race is amazing.
I spoke with so many different people prior to the race as well as after. Each time I was amazed to know where they were from, what their goal for the race was and the logistics of how it all goes.
Zoup was very busy, busier then I have ever seen it during a normal lunch rush. It took all the iron 'out of me' bouncing back and forth from versus stations, cleaning up as the time goes on. There I was spending more hours standing and interacting with people, it was tiring yet refreshing.
Literally putting in work with very little energy. I have never been a fan of coffee, energy drinks nor bars. I just push through... I'm sure my iron level isn't where it should be but after tonight it just approved that anything is possible as long as you continue to push through.
I commend everyone who participated, tried and finished! Now rest up all, recover well and for I shall do the same because guess who has to be up in a few hours again for work?